Don't have time to write that proposal? Need some fresh, new language or want to try a new approach? Together we'll discuss your vision and projects, and then I'll put them in the right words for your prospective funders.
Want to talk through your project for a particular funding source? Need an extra set of eyes to review your proposal? I bring the funder perspective to developing your pitch and editing your proposal.
Have Salesforce but don't use it for development purposes? Is it challenging to get up to date financial reports on grants? I create systems for working across programs, finance, and fundraising to get all gears aligned and running smoothly.
Is your organization reliant on one type of revenue stream? Do you anticipate major changes and need to adjust fundraising strategies? I work with teams to analyze past revenues and offer diverse strategies for approaching foundations, government, individual donors, earned income, and businesses tailored to your team's needs and capacity. The end result is a 3 to 5 year fundraising plan and an annual calendar with targets and activities for each revenue stream.
Looking for new prospects? I can put together a list of potential funding leads and how well they fit with your organization's mission and work. A document with all research, including those funding sources that aren't a good fit, will be shared with you to keep building off of and referring to in the future. Deadlines, contacts, and action items will also be included.
If you haven't worked with a freelance grantwriter before, click the button for helpful advice from Donor Box.
Atlanta, GA, USA
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